Water Features Add Serenity to Your Outdoor Living Space
Nothing is more relaxing and mesmerizing as the sights and sounds of water flowing across a natural landscape. Water Features add an element of beauty, serenity, and a connection with nature like no other element in your outdoor living space can do.
As a Certified Aquascape Contractor (CAC), Dreamestate Landscaping offers three types of water features.
Fountainscapes are made of a decorative feature such as a natural stone, bubbling urn, or a myriad of sculptured stone or brass columns. The feature sits atop a decorative ground cover that conceals the underground basin holding the pump and re-circulating water.
Not all waterfalls must flow into a pond. A Pondless® Waterfall is a great alternative for people who want the sound and serenity of a waterfall and stream but don’t want to have a full pond.
There are a number of benefits to having a Pondless® Waterfall
- Can be turned off:
- Great for the cottage
- Perfect for frequent travelers
- Can be run year round
- Are ideal for people with small children who worry about the safety of having a pond
- Can be custom built to fit any area
- Re-circulates water beneath the rocks by a concealed waterfall pump
- Are more cost-effective than a pond because less labour and materials are required
An Ecosystem is the combination of a pond, waterfall and stream, which, when added to your property will completely transform the look and feel of your outdoor living space. Ponds, waterfalls and streams are designed as focal points and will highlight the positive features of your outdoor living space while providing the serene and relaxing atmosphere you are after.
When you add a pond you are essentially creating a new ecosystem. This ecosystem requires a number of elements to ensure that the species that inhabit it can live in complete balance:
- Water must circulate at all times
- Water must maintain a correct flow
- Proper mechanical and biological filtration is required
- Adequate aeration is necessary
With the right planning and construction it is possible to have a low-maintenance ecosystem which will help your backyard pond remain a healthy, balanced ecosystem:
- Adding fish (koi pond) will reduce maintenance as they will help keep rocks clean of debris
- Aquatic plants will act as natural filtration systems
As a living, breathing element to landscape design your pond requires careful planning and construction to ensure that it is both beautiful and sustainable.
Contact Dreamestate Landscaping today to learn more about adding a water feature (fountainscape, Pondless Waterfall or ecosystem) to your outdoor space or to book your on-site consultation.